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Personal & Leadership Coaching

Coaching is about creating positive focused change, by improving your thinking and behaviour, leading to improved results.


We love to work with people who want to make a change, to elevate their performance and realise their potential.


Together we help you create space to step back and reflect on your life and work. We'll help you to explore who you truly are and work together to create actions that move you towards your goals. 

Thinking & Feeling

Coaching helps you to think and feel differently

Behaviour Change

As a result, you experience new behaviours

Improved Results

It enables you to reach your goals more easily

Our role in this process is to create a safe, confidential and supportive environment where you can spend quality time thinking about yourself. We'll help you explore where you are now, discover where you want to go and identify ways to get there. It's a great way of moving forward when you're feeling stuck. 


We help you to think better, to explore your dreams and understand what's holding you back. What we don't do is give you advice. That's not coaching. We help you to see things differently and connect the pieces of the puzzle together. We use a positive approach and challenge your thinking to help you move towards your goals. 

Coaching has many possible applications. Maybe you're looking to develop your leadership abilities, enhance your career, increase your performance, create more work-life balance, improve relationships or just want someone to assist you to make an important life decision. We're happy to explore with you.

Brain-based methods

We all learn best when brain-friendly approaches are used, so we use a coaching methodology based around this principle

Neuroscience based - a brain-friendly approach to coaching

Process focused - using a clear and well structured process

Outcome driven - focusing upon setting and achieving objectives

Your coaching journey begins here

The Preparation

We start with a complimentary 60 minute 'chemistry meeting', which is an opportunity for the us to get to know each other and for you to understand and experience the coaching process. If there's a good fit, we'll agree the way forward and plan the coaching sessions. We'll send you a coaching agreement, a preparation questionnaire and everything you need to get started.

The Coaching 

Your coaching begins with a 90 minute discovery session, where we explore the goals that you're looking to achieve and help you to plan out some strategies to start moving in the right direction. This is followed by a 90 minute session every fortnight where we begin to explore more deeply, working together to understand clearly where you are now, where you want to go, what's stopping you and what actions you'll take to get there. Coaching is about looking forward, not looking back.

The Completion

At the end of our coaching journey, we'll have a completion session to reflect on your progress and success and help you to plan your next steps.

Meet our coaching team

Tristan Burton


Ian Davies


What our customers say

“For someone with day-to-day focus on work and team results, these coaching sessions have really been an eye-opening opportunity for me. I felt safe to open up about my personal limiting beliefs and my perceived strengths. The sessions have allowed me to reflect on my actions and figure out ways to leverage my strengths in overcoming my own limiting beliefs."


Deputy Head,  Learning & Development, Banking Sector

Executive Coaching Programme 

“Ian's coaching helped me identify, articulate and work through specific professional growth areas  in an open and comfortable manner. Working with him helped me distinguish perceptions from actions, prompting a more deliberate approach and a better sense of control in my work. I recommend him to any leader looking to push through roadblocks, or who is simply in need of an objective and experienced sounding board."


Head of Service Design, Banking Sector 

Executive Coaching Programme 

Interested in finding out more about coaching?

Frequently asked questions

What's the difference between coaching and consulting, training, mentoring or counselling?


Coaching often gets confused with other disciplines, including training, consulting, mentoring and counselling. Although a trained coach may use many of the same skills, it is a very different process.

Coaching is not Consulting. We don't give advice, unless it is highly appropriate. We prefer to help you make choices rather than telling you what you 'should' do. A consultant does a job for your organisation, whereas we support you to do the job better yourself. 

Coaching is not Training. We have no pre-set curriculum or conversation and we focus upon where you want to go. You determine the goals, not us. Coaching is a different experience for every person.

Coaching is not Mentoring. Mentoring is often focused upon the development of your career. Although coaching can help you to make choices and set career goals, it is applicable to a far broader area of work and life. Mentoring also requires the giving of advice, which coaching doesn't do. We don't need to know a lot about your job role, in fact it's often better if we don't, so that we have no agenda or fixed perspective.

Coaching is not Counselling. Coaching focuses upon moving forward, where you are now, what your goal is and what action you can take to get there. It is more about 'how' rather than 'why'. 

What do you do as a coach?

We are there to facilitate a structured coaching conversation and to allow a discussion to unfold around a context that you set. We don't set the agenda, but help you to move where you want to go through questioning and goal setting.

Do you give advice?

We don't give advice. You are the expert in your field and giving you advice would come from our perspective. Rather, we work with you in a structured way, to help you see things from a different perspective, challenging your thinking and helping you to set goals and take action.

Are the coaching conversations confidential?

Absolutely. Coaching is all about trust. When we coach, we treat the content of our coaching conversations seriously and we follow the guidelines and code of ethics of the International Coaching Federation. We make sure that all parties involved in the coaching process have a pre-agreed understanding about what level of information is shared.

Why should we use a trained coach?

Using a coach who has been through a recognised training programme ensures that they follow international standards and gives you peace of mind that a thorough training process has been followed. Coaching conversations should be free-flowing and natural, where you feel valued and listened to.


We are certified with the NeuroLeadership Institute as Brain-Based coaches, which is an International Coaching Federation (ICF) accredited training programme. We follow ICF guidelines to ensure that our programmes are run ethically and professionally.

How long does a coaching programme last?

Coaching is all about positive forward thinking, setting goals and implementing actions to see results quickly. Maybe you're looking for a single session to explore a particular issue, or a longer programme to move you further along. We're flexible and will work with you according to your needs. Most longer coaching programmes last a few months, with a session every two weeks, but it's up to you. 

How does it work?

Most coaching around the world is done remotely. We mostly coach via Zoom (video call) or we may be able to meet in person if you live in Sussex, UK.

Who do you work with?

Coaching is about helping people to think differently, so you must want to reach new goals and make a positive change. Our coaching programmes always include a 'chemistry meeting' before the programme begins, to ensure that there is good rapport and understanding between us.

Interested in finding out more about coaching?


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